I'm Toodles. I weigh almost two pounds and am 13 weeks old today. Tico is my half-brother. We have the same daddy. Tico weighs 6 1/2 pounds and will be 10-months old tomorrow. I'm glad you stopped by to see us.
We are long-haired chihuahuas. Lots of other dogs claim to be as smart and adorable as we are, but they are not. Everyone knows that chihuahuas are the most intelligent dogs in the universe. We long-hairs have chihuahua smarts and--well--just look at us! We're beautiful AND smart. Deal with it.
We live with our daddies in Athens, Georgia. They rescued us from a horrible place--I still have nightmares about all the fleas. Tico won't even talk about it. Gray-Haired Daddy (GHD) belongs to me. The Other Daddy belongs to Tico, but secretly likes me better. Face it, who wouldn't?
Sometimes GHD takes me to work. Everyone there loves me. Everyone. Tico came with us one time. But nobody wanted to play with him because they only wanted to play with me. I think maybe it's because Tico is so big--everyone kept talking about how huge he is compared to me. So GHD doesn't bring him with us any more.
On Monday, instead of going to work, GHD took me to play with the doctor. He doesn't play very nice! When Tico hurts me, he runs away when I scream and I can tell he's very sorry. The doctor didn't run away and just kept hurting me no matter how much I screamed! I don't want to play with him anymore. I won't eat his treats either. I don't know what he did to me but I really haven't felt like playing until today.
Glad I'm feeling better. It's the weekend! Both daddies will be home and can play with me and Tico all the time. I better get some rest so I'll be ready.