Saturday, May 22, 2010

For Vegas

Daddy took me and Tico to work one day. I love going to work with Daddy. I like it even more when Tico comes with us.

Tico runs up to anyone he sees. He greets complete strangers like he's known them forever. He's so trusting.

Not me. I hang back and wait to see what happens. If they don't try to kill Tico, I'll come over and say hello.

I watch enough television to know the world is a scary place. Little girls like me can't be too careful. I never go anywhere without Daddy, Anneedabus, or Tico.

Even that might not be enough. Poor little Vegas was on his leash walking with his Mommy when a pit bull attacked and killed him. The pit bull got off with just a slap on the paw.

All of us were very sad when we heard about Vegas. Poor little guy. He never even had a chance.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Quiet Weekend

We've had big plans every weekend for as long as I can remember. It's what people do. I'll never understand it. We chihuahuas enjoy a more leisurely lifestyle.

One weekend we had a garage sale. Another weekend Anneedabus and Daddy hosted that horrible birthday party for me. Then they toted us up to Roanoke for a fun-but-exhausting visit with our extended family.

I hate the weekends devoted to home projects the most. Tico and I are never allowed to help. Anneedabus and Daddy completely ignore us. We don't go for walks or outside to play or anything.

Unless you count eating, laying around, and napping, we haven't done a thing this weekend. It's been great! We're going to see Ennis later for the perfect ending to a perfect weekend.

I better get a nap in before we go so I can keep up. Things can get crazy when me and Tico visit Ennis. I can't wait!


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Our Trip to Roanoke

Tico and I are exhausted from our trip to Virginia to visit Buggs, Aunt M, and our cousins, A and T. What a trip! I've never been on so many car rides in my life.

Virginia is far, far away. You ride in the car for a really long time until you get to a rest stop, gas station or fast food joint. Then you walk around for a while and get back in the car for another 15-minute car ride.

We hit rest stops in four states before we finally got to Bugg's house. LOVE her! Tico loves her, too. She's really nice--everything a grandmother should be. If something happened to Daddy and Anneedabus we'd get to live with her all the time.

My cousins are lots of fun, too. Tico says they like to play even more than I do! We played Fetch and Chase Me under the shade trees in their back yard. It was so windy I almost blew away!
Both my cousins play sports. Cousin A plays softball, and Cousin T plays baseball. They have uniforms and everything! We got to go the ballpark to watch them play. In both games they beat the opposing teams so bad the umpire called it a game after only a few innings.
Cousin A and I made friends right away because we're both girls. Living with three guys, it's nice to finally have a girlfriend. She's so awesome!

I wanted to chase her to first base when she got a hit. It was very exciting. She's my BFF. I know she feels the same way about me.
Aunt M is very busy being Mom. We got to visit for a minute or two. She's a lot more laid back than my cousins. Now that I think about it, everyone I know is more laid back than my cousins.

Time for a much-needed nap. Chi-ao!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Happy First Birthday...Not!

Yesterday was my birthday. That's right. I'm not a puppy anymore. Now I'm a big girl.

Nobody sang Happy Birthday to me. There was no birthday cake, no birthday gifts, and no birthday cards. You grow up fast around here.

I blame the Kentucky Derby. For weeks Anneedabus and Daddy have been too busy getting ready for the Derby Party to play with me and Tico. I can't remember the last time they took us for a walk. If we were children somebody would be calling child protective services.

Getting ready for the party was bad enough. The party itself was horrible! I don't know when I've ever been so scared.

Our house was full of strangers with big scary hats. They acted as if I should just run over and lick their hand and let them hold me--like we've been friends forever or something. I am just not that kind of girl.

To add insult to injury, someone brought another chihuahua into our house...on MY birthday. The nerve!!! Can you believe it? The minute I saw him my hair stood on end. I gave him a piece of my mind he's not likely to forget.

What happened next made me forget all about the interloper. All the people gathered around the television and sang some song about gay people and weeping ladies. Then everyone started jumping up and down and getting really loud.

For a good two minutes they made more than enough noise to get a "shut-the-hell-up" from Daddy or Anneedabus. But they were yelling at the television with everybody else. It's like they'd all gone crazy or something. I was terrified!

It was the worst first birthday any dog ever had. Next year my birthday will be on the first Saturday in May. Go ahead and mark your calendar. Maybe I'll at least get a card or two.
