Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tico the Fetch Fanatic

Hi everybody. It's me, Tico. You would hear from me a lot more often if Toodles would quit changing the password.

She would never change the password just to keep me from posting. She's following security protocols to keep the Chinese from hacking our blog and stealing our identities. You can't be too careful these days. I'm glad she's looking out for us.

Since my last posting we've had some crazy weather. Other than heat and humidity, we've had it all. It rained so much our private dog park flooded and we couldn't play fetch.

Fetch is my favorite game. No matter how far Anneedabus throws the ball, I bring it back. Every time. I'm always ready for a good game of fetch.

It's a complicated game. Toodles doesn't really get it. She runs along behind me to see exactly how I do it. Until I know she's ready, I'm not letting her touch the ball. Anneedabus counts on me to bring it back and I'm not going to let him down.

After all the rain we had snow. Toodles hates it. She doesn't know what she's missing! Playing fetch in the snow with Anneedabus is probably the most fun I've ever had.

Since she's grown up, Toodles is a bit more bearable. She still wants to play every waking moment of every day. Most of the time I don't mind, but every now and then I need a break. Fortunately there are three of us to take turns playing with her.

Looks like it's my turn. Come see us. I'll show you how to play fetch!

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