Friday, April 23, 2010


When he gets home from work Anneedabus takes me and Tico outside to play fetch. Tico has loved fetch since before I was born. He's always waiting for someone to throw the ball.
Fetch is new to me. Sure, I've played fetch with Tico my whole life. But I really didn't understand how the game was played until recently.

All my life Anneedabus gave me treats and praise just for chasing Tico. It's like he thought I was slow or something. Is it my fault I never learned about bringing the ball back? I don't think so. I didn't even know you needed a ball until last week.
You think Tico is smart? Anneedabus taught him how to play fetch. I figured out how to play all by myself. That's how smart I am. Want me to show you how to play?  I can.  Just grab some treats and meet me outside.


Monday, April 19, 2010

Helping Out at the Office

Today I went to the office to help Daddy do his work. He's been really busy because of the bad budget and needs all the help he can get. It was the least I could do after all he's done for me.

Daddy says he can't get anything done at the office because of interruptions. My job is to make sure that doesn't happen. To see Daddy you've got to come through me.
It's my job to answer the phone, too, but it never rang. I even practiced what I would say: Woof! Do I hear the phone ringing? Nope. Daddy doesn't get many calls at work because everybody uses e-mail.

I've seen Daddy check his e-mail enough to know how, but he won't let me. I'm not allowed to use the computer except to write my blog. Checking e-mail is easy. You just push on those buttons and it works.
You need to get on the calendar if you want to see Daddy. Keeping up with his schedule is my job, too. Here I am going over his calendar looking for openings.
Daddy said I was a big help. I'm glad. Would hate to think I wore myself out for nothing!


Thursday, April 15, 2010

How I Got My Swagger

Now that I'm all grown up I get a lot of compliments about my body. People wonder how I stay so tiny. Between me and you, it ain't easy. Everybody knows we little girls have to work harder to get the same results.

It helps to have a work-out buddy who shares your goals. Tico and I have set an extremely lofty goal. We want to reach the top of Mount Midoriyama. That's right. We're training to become Ninjahuahuas.

I start my workout as soon as my paws hit the ground with a couple of long, slow stretches. Before breakfast I get in 10 to 15 minutes of resistance training playing tug-of-war with Anneedabus. Then the real work-out starts.

Tico and I do indoor free-running and ultimate fighting two or three times a day for thirty to sixty minutes. If you're being chased, you run as fast as you can without ever going the same way twice. Get caught and it's a no-holds-barred fight for dominance. Get pinned and you become the chaser.

I have to admit Tico can kick my butt. Sometimes he lets me win just so he can chase me. He's faster than me, too. But I know some shortcuts he's too big to take and give him a run for his money.

Training with a bigger dog is good for me. If the need arises I know I could whup any dog my size or smaller. That's why I got swagger.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Easter Bunnies, April Showers & Garage Sales

We had a great Easter. The Easter Bunny left treats for me and Tico all over the yard. We're lucky. Daddy says the Easter Bunny visits everybody else just once a year. He comes to our house almost every day. Here we are enjoying the treats he brings us.
Don't know when I've been so glad to see rain. After the rain washed everything clean we could play in the grass without sneezing again. I don't recommend drinking from yellow puddles. Blech!
It's been a lot cooler out since the rain--great weather for walking. Everything is green again and there are beautiful flowers everywhere. Some flowers smell really good, like this one we saw on our walk.
Yesterday a TIGER charged us! Daddy was listening to his music on our walk and didn't hear him coming. Fortunately, Tico scared him away. Daddy says it was just a friendly cat. Wrong. If it's bigger than me and purrs, it's a tiger.

Today Anneedabus and Daddy had the garage sale they've been talking about for weeks. I put out a few clothes too small for me to wear. I must be the smallest dog in the world because nobody bought them.

A garage sale means lots of strangers come to your house and TAKE STUFF! Tico and I watched through the window as truck after truck after truck pulled away loaded down with our valuable possessions. We barked and barked and barked but I don't think anyone could hear us.

It was terrible. I didn't see Daddy and was afraid Anneedabus sold him at the garage sale. There was so much coming and going I couldn't be sure. I sat at the garage door and cried. I knew if Daddy could hear me he would come running.

It worked. All these months of training paid off. He picked me up and carried me around for the rest of the sale. Everybody wanted to pet me, but I wouldn't let them. No telling where they've been since they last washed their hands.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

No Fan of Yellow Snow

Ahhhhh-chooooo! I'm sorry. Just came in from outside. Yellow snow has fallen for the last few days. Ahhhhhhh-choooooooo! It's everywhere! Makes me and Tico sneeze.
White snow smells good. Yellow snow--not so much. There's so much of it I can hardly smell anything else. Everything is covered with it. Ahhhhhh-choooo!

The yellow snow makes Daddy and Anneedabus sneeze, too. They say it's pine pollen. When I'm outside a little cloud of it rises up with every step I take. Ahhhhh-choooooo!!!! I get sneezy just thinking about it.

Tico has a yellow-green snout and paws to match. My paws and curtains--the long fur that hides my personal parts when I'm doing my business--are yellow-green. Even Daddy's shoes are yellow-green.

Glad we took our walk earlier today. The TV says it's supposed to rain. I hope so. Anything is better than this yellow snow!


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Our Visit with Ennis

I got to go for a car ride with Daddy today! I knew we weren't going to the doctor because Tico came along. We got even more excited when we found out where we were going.

We went to play with Ennis. Besides Tico, Ennis is the only dog in the world I like. Other dogs scare me. When you only weigh five pounds, you can't be too careful. Until we've been properly introduced I'm also afraid of people.

Yes, I said five pounds. I think I'm beautiful just the way I am. Besides, I'd have to gain two more pounds to get as big as Tico. Daddy says I'm chicka-wow-wow!

After a quick hello to his daddies, we joined Ennis for the usual tour of his private dog park. Tico enjoys the tour more than I do. It's a boy thing. Tico pees, Ennis pees where Tico peed, then Tico pees on a new spot. They don't stop until they're both too dehydrated to keep going. Fun.
Ennis has a couple of lakes and a waterfall in his dog park. He even has fish and a fake alligator so the birds won't eat them. Tico pretends like he's getting a drink but he's really trying to figure out how to catch a fish.
We had a great visit, as usual. All too soon it was time to go. Ennis is a lot bigger than me--like probably even 15 pounds. I climbed on a rock for a little kissy-face before we left. Don't worry. It's harmless. Ennis is in love with Tico.
