Thursday, April 15, 2010

How I Got My Swagger

Now that I'm all grown up I get a lot of compliments about my body. People wonder how I stay so tiny. Between me and you, it ain't easy. Everybody knows we little girls have to work harder to get the same results.

It helps to have a work-out buddy who shares your goals. Tico and I have set an extremely lofty goal. We want to reach the top of Mount Midoriyama. That's right. We're training to become Ninjahuahuas.

I start my workout as soon as my paws hit the ground with a couple of long, slow stretches. Before breakfast I get in 10 to 15 minutes of resistance training playing tug-of-war with Anneedabus. Then the real work-out starts.

Tico and I do indoor free-running and ultimate fighting two or three times a day for thirty to sixty minutes. If you're being chased, you run as fast as you can without ever going the same way twice. Get caught and it's a no-holds-barred fight for dominance. Get pinned and you become the chaser.

I have to admit Tico can kick my butt. Sometimes he lets me win just so he can chase me. He's faster than me, too. But I know some shortcuts he's too big to take and give him a run for his money.

Training with a bigger dog is good for me. If the need arises I know I could whup any dog my size or smaller. That's why I got swagger.


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