Saturday, June 5, 2010

Chihuahua Neglect?

Hello friends! Long time, no see! Have you missed me as much as I've missed you?

Daddy has been hogging the computer to blog about the good-old-days. Nothing distracts him when he's writing his stories. Even my favorite toys never get his attention. Trust me, I've tried.

Tico and I thought about calling the authorities. Missing a walk now and then is one thing. We didn't go for a walk for days. Isn't that neglect? Sure, it rained but it wasn't raining every single minute of every single day.

The stories are interesting if you like ancient history. Frankly I think it's time to move on. Or at least pick up the pace. At the rate he's going me and Tico will be dead before he gets to us.


Saturday, May 22, 2010

For Vegas

Daddy took me and Tico to work one day. I love going to work with Daddy. I like it even more when Tico comes with us.

Tico runs up to anyone he sees. He greets complete strangers like he's known them forever. He's so trusting.

Not me. I hang back and wait to see what happens. If they don't try to kill Tico, I'll come over and say hello.

I watch enough television to know the world is a scary place. Little girls like me can't be too careful. I never go anywhere without Daddy, Anneedabus, or Tico.

Even that might not be enough. Poor little Vegas was on his leash walking with his Mommy when a pit bull attacked and killed him. The pit bull got off with just a slap on the paw.

All of us were very sad when we heard about Vegas. Poor little guy. He never even had a chance.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Quiet Weekend

We've had big plans every weekend for as long as I can remember. It's what people do. I'll never understand it. We chihuahuas enjoy a more leisurely lifestyle.

One weekend we had a garage sale. Another weekend Anneedabus and Daddy hosted that horrible birthday party for me. Then they toted us up to Roanoke for a fun-but-exhausting visit with our extended family.

I hate the weekends devoted to home projects the most. Tico and I are never allowed to help. Anneedabus and Daddy completely ignore us. We don't go for walks or outside to play or anything.

Unless you count eating, laying around, and napping, we haven't done a thing this weekend. It's been great! We're going to see Ennis later for the perfect ending to a perfect weekend.

I better get a nap in before we go so I can keep up. Things can get crazy when me and Tico visit Ennis. I can't wait!


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Our Trip to Roanoke

Tico and I are exhausted from our trip to Virginia to visit Buggs, Aunt M, and our cousins, A and T. What a trip! I've never been on so many car rides in my life.

Virginia is far, far away. You ride in the car for a really long time until you get to a rest stop, gas station or fast food joint. Then you walk around for a while and get back in the car for another 15-minute car ride.

We hit rest stops in four states before we finally got to Bugg's house. LOVE her! Tico loves her, too. She's really nice--everything a grandmother should be. If something happened to Daddy and Anneedabus we'd get to live with her all the time.

My cousins are lots of fun, too. Tico says they like to play even more than I do! We played Fetch and Chase Me under the shade trees in their back yard. It was so windy I almost blew away!
Both my cousins play sports. Cousin A plays softball, and Cousin T plays baseball. They have uniforms and everything! We got to go the ballpark to watch them play. In both games they beat the opposing teams so bad the umpire called it a game after only a few innings.
Cousin A and I made friends right away because we're both girls. Living with three guys, it's nice to finally have a girlfriend. She's so awesome!

I wanted to chase her to first base when she got a hit. It was very exciting. She's my BFF. I know she feels the same way about me.
Aunt M is very busy being Mom. We got to visit for a minute or two. She's a lot more laid back than my cousins. Now that I think about it, everyone I know is more laid back than my cousins.

Time for a much-needed nap. Chi-ao!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Happy First Birthday...Not!

Yesterday was my birthday. That's right. I'm not a puppy anymore. Now I'm a big girl.

Nobody sang Happy Birthday to me. There was no birthday cake, no birthday gifts, and no birthday cards. You grow up fast around here.

I blame the Kentucky Derby. For weeks Anneedabus and Daddy have been too busy getting ready for the Derby Party to play with me and Tico. I can't remember the last time they took us for a walk. If we were children somebody would be calling child protective services.

Getting ready for the party was bad enough. The party itself was horrible! I don't know when I've ever been so scared.

Our house was full of strangers with big scary hats. They acted as if I should just run over and lick their hand and let them hold me--like we've been friends forever or something. I am just not that kind of girl.

To add insult to injury, someone brought another chihuahua into our house...on MY birthday. The nerve!!! Can you believe it? The minute I saw him my hair stood on end. I gave him a piece of my mind he's not likely to forget.

What happened next made me forget all about the interloper. All the people gathered around the television and sang some song about gay people and weeping ladies. Then everyone started jumping up and down and getting really loud.

For a good two minutes they made more than enough noise to get a "shut-the-hell-up" from Daddy or Anneedabus. But they were yelling at the television with everybody else. It's like they'd all gone crazy or something. I was terrified!

It was the worst first birthday any dog ever had. Next year my birthday will be on the first Saturday in May. Go ahead and mark your calendar. Maybe I'll at least get a card or two.


Friday, April 23, 2010


When he gets home from work Anneedabus takes me and Tico outside to play fetch. Tico has loved fetch since before I was born. He's always waiting for someone to throw the ball.
Fetch is new to me. Sure, I've played fetch with Tico my whole life. But I really didn't understand how the game was played until recently.

All my life Anneedabus gave me treats and praise just for chasing Tico. It's like he thought I was slow or something. Is it my fault I never learned about bringing the ball back? I don't think so. I didn't even know you needed a ball until last week.
You think Tico is smart? Anneedabus taught him how to play fetch. I figured out how to play all by myself. That's how smart I am. Want me to show you how to play?  I can.  Just grab some treats and meet me outside.


Monday, April 19, 2010

Helping Out at the Office

Today I went to the office to help Daddy do his work. He's been really busy because of the bad budget and needs all the help he can get. It was the least I could do after all he's done for me.

Daddy says he can't get anything done at the office because of interruptions. My job is to make sure that doesn't happen. To see Daddy you've got to come through me.
It's my job to answer the phone, too, but it never rang. I even practiced what I would say: Woof! Do I hear the phone ringing? Nope. Daddy doesn't get many calls at work because everybody uses e-mail.

I've seen Daddy check his e-mail enough to know how, but he won't let me. I'm not allowed to use the computer except to write my blog. Checking e-mail is easy. You just push on those buttons and it works.
You need to get on the calendar if you want to see Daddy. Keeping up with his schedule is my job, too. Here I am going over his calendar looking for openings.
Daddy said I was a big help. I'm glad. Would hate to think I wore myself out for nothing!


Thursday, April 15, 2010

How I Got My Swagger

Now that I'm all grown up I get a lot of compliments about my body. People wonder how I stay so tiny. Between me and you, it ain't easy. Everybody knows we little girls have to work harder to get the same results.

It helps to have a work-out buddy who shares your goals. Tico and I have set an extremely lofty goal. We want to reach the top of Mount Midoriyama. That's right. We're training to become Ninjahuahuas.

I start my workout as soon as my paws hit the ground with a couple of long, slow stretches. Before breakfast I get in 10 to 15 minutes of resistance training playing tug-of-war with Anneedabus. Then the real work-out starts.

Tico and I do indoor free-running and ultimate fighting two or three times a day for thirty to sixty minutes. If you're being chased, you run as fast as you can without ever going the same way twice. Get caught and it's a no-holds-barred fight for dominance. Get pinned and you become the chaser.

I have to admit Tico can kick my butt. Sometimes he lets me win just so he can chase me. He's faster than me, too. But I know some shortcuts he's too big to take and give him a run for his money.

Training with a bigger dog is good for me. If the need arises I know I could whup any dog my size or smaller. That's why I got swagger.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Easter Bunnies, April Showers & Garage Sales

We had a great Easter. The Easter Bunny left treats for me and Tico all over the yard. We're lucky. Daddy says the Easter Bunny visits everybody else just once a year. He comes to our house almost every day. Here we are enjoying the treats he brings us.
Don't know when I've been so glad to see rain. After the rain washed everything clean we could play in the grass without sneezing again. I don't recommend drinking from yellow puddles. Blech!
It's been a lot cooler out since the rain--great weather for walking. Everything is green again and there are beautiful flowers everywhere. Some flowers smell really good, like this one we saw on our walk.
Yesterday a TIGER charged us! Daddy was listening to his music on our walk and didn't hear him coming. Fortunately, Tico scared him away. Daddy says it was just a friendly cat. Wrong. If it's bigger than me and purrs, it's a tiger.

Today Anneedabus and Daddy had the garage sale they've been talking about for weeks. I put out a few clothes too small for me to wear. I must be the smallest dog in the world because nobody bought them.

A garage sale means lots of strangers come to your house and TAKE STUFF! Tico and I watched through the window as truck after truck after truck pulled away loaded down with our valuable possessions. We barked and barked and barked but I don't think anyone could hear us.

It was terrible. I didn't see Daddy and was afraid Anneedabus sold him at the garage sale. There was so much coming and going I couldn't be sure. I sat at the garage door and cried. I knew if Daddy could hear me he would come running.

It worked. All these months of training paid off. He picked me up and carried me around for the rest of the sale. Everybody wanted to pet me, but I wouldn't let them. No telling where they've been since they last washed their hands.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

No Fan of Yellow Snow

Ahhhhh-chooooo! I'm sorry. Just came in from outside. Yellow snow has fallen for the last few days. Ahhhhhhh-choooooooo! It's everywhere! Makes me and Tico sneeze.
White snow smells good. Yellow snow--not so much. There's so much of it I can hardly smell anything else. Everything is covered with it. Ahhhhhh-choooo!

The yellow snow makes Daddy and Anneedabus sneeze, too. They say it's pine pollen. When I'm outside a little cloud of it rises up with every step I take. Ahhhhh-choooooo!!!! I get sneezy just thinking about it.

Tico has a yellow-green snout and paws to match. My paws and curtains--the long fur that hides my personal parts when I'm doing my business--are yellow-green. Even Daddy's shoes are yellow-green.

Glad we took our walk earlier today. The TV says it's supposed to rain. I hope so. Anything is better than this yellow snow!


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Our Visit with Ennis

I got to go for a car ride with Daddy today! I knew we weren't going to the doctor because Tico came along. We got even more excited when we found out where we were going.

We went to play with Ennis. Besides Tico, Ennis is the only dog in the world I like. Other dogs scare me. When you only weigh five pounds, you can't be too careful. Until we've been properly introduced I'm also afraid of people.

Yes, I said five pounds. I think I'm beautiful just the way I am. Besides, I'd have to gain two more pounds to get as big as Tico. Daddy says I'm chicka-wow-wow!

After a quick hello to his daddies, we joined Ennis for the usual tour of his private dog park. Tico enjoys the tour more than I do. It's a boy thing. Tico pees, Ennis pees where Tico peed, then Tico pees on a new spot. They don't stop until they're both too dehydrated to keep going. Fun.
Ennis has a couple of lakes and a waterfall in his dog park. He even has fish and a fake alligator so the birds won't eat them. Tico pretends like he's getting a drink but he's really trying to figure out how to catch a fish.
We had a great visit, as usual. All too soon it was time to go. Ennis is a lot bigger than me--like probably even 15 pounds. I climbed on a rock for a little kissy-face before we left. Don't worry. It's harmless. Ennis is in love with Tico.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ask Me Again

I don't know why I even bother. Earlier this month I came up with a list of things we could do to save money during the bad economy. Daddy and Anneedabus ignored every one of my suggestions!

OK. I'll admit it. Even though I thought it was a great idea and was only thinking about his health, I never really expected Anneedabus to cut back on treats or food for Tico. He's too nice. Daddy would have, but he never feeds us and rarely gives us any treats.

We still have our dog clothes, too. I'm hoping to unload them soon. Daddy says we're having a garage sale in April. He and Anneedabus have piles of stuff for the sale all over the house. Should be easy to slip a dress or two in here and there between now and the sale.

Tico got a new sheep this week, too. As you can see in the picture, there wasn't a thing wrong with the old one. If you ask me, Anneedabus spoils that dog.
To add insult to injury, Daddy took me to the doctor today. I have no idea what he did to me this time. I heard Daddy tell Anneedabus I had an extra set of teeth like it was a problem. Who ever heard of a dog with too many teeth!

All I know is I can hardly keep my eyes open. Think I'll go take a nap in Daddy's lap. Maybe I will dream up some new suggestions for saving money.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tico Gets Hosed

Except for a short time when I was young, it's been cold outside for most of my life. Lately, the weather has been quite nice. We get to play outside more in good weather. I'd forgotten how good it feels to stretch out in the sun on the sidewalk.

The dog park has never looked so pretty. The flowers Daddy planted last year look great. Tico and I have been digging holes for more flowers. Daddy will be so happy when he finds out!
If we're outside Tico wants to play Fetch. He'll sit for hours waiting for someone to throw his orange ball for him. I'm sending the picture below to Sarah McLachlan. It's so sad she can send it to people who give money to get animals out of shelters.
As with all our toys, I'm not allowed to play with the orange ball. I have my own ball--unless Tico wants it. I enjoy a good game of Fetch as much as any dog. I am just not obsessed with it like Tico. He would ride in a short bus if he ever went to school.
He got us both in trouble a few days ago. We were walking through the garden outside the dog park with Daddy when Tico hit the jackpot. He found cat treats in this weed we both love to roll in. I saw him rolling away and ran over to join him.

By the time I got there Tico was covered in a delicious mixture of cat treats and our favorite weed. But I barely got my nose in it before Daddy snatched me up. Anneedabus picked Tico up, too, then coughed and retched while he carried him up to the dog park.

Next thing I knew Daddy was giving me another bath. I just had a bath not even two weeks ago. Hate the bath but love being blown-out afterward. I heard Anneedabus tell Daddy he had to hose Tico down before giving him a bath. Not sure what that means and hope I never find out.


Friday, March 19, 2010

Biting Back at the Bad Economy

Daddy says we need to go on a budget because of the bad economy. I don't know any economy, but wish it would be good. I'm a good girl all the time. Even Anneedabus says so. I'm tired of getting punished for stuff I didn't do.

You know me. Even though I had nothing to do with the bad economy, I will do everything I can to help. Tico and I sat down together earlier today to chew over our options. We came up with several money-saving tips.

Nothing makes my creative juices flow like a good chew. Most of the ideas are mine. Frankly, Tico with a chew-stick and that one-track mind of his really wasn't much help. Here are our suggestions to help Daddy and Anneedabus save money.

1) Stop taking me and Tico to the doctor. He just hurts us or makes us sick. If we didn't go to the doctor we'd never need one.

2) Sell all our dog clothes. Being the selfless, generous animal Daddy raised me to be, I'm willing to part with my entire wardrobe. That's right, all of it, especially including my fancy dresses.

3) Feed Tico once a day instead of twice. He's way too big, anyway. Feeding him less often will help him lose weight and our bag of food will last a lot longer.

4) Stop giving Tico treats. See #3. Besides, he's all grown up now and doesn't need them--especially Puparonis. He gets plenty of treats in the yard.

5) Quit replacing Tico's sheep. I can rip a new one to pieces in a matter of hours now. Why throw good money after bad?

You can only cut so much. At some point you need to talk about increasing revenue. My last suggestion is to rent Tico out to people who don't have a dog. It's a shame he's neutered.

The income and savings from our suggestions adds up. I hope it's enough to make a difference. I'd really miss Tico if we had to become a one-dog family.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Can't Have Anything!

Y'all know me and Toodles are maybe a little spoiled. Anneedabus and Daddy buy toys for us all the time. Grandma Buggs sends us toys for presents, too. We have lots and lots of toys.

Some dogs don't play with the toys they have. We do. We play with all our toys.

Our favorite game is hide all the toys. Daddy or Anneedabus puts all our toys in the basket then me and Toodles see how fast we can hide them around the house. It's fun! Sometimes it takes Daddy and Anneedabus days to find them all again.

Out of all our toys, Sheep is the only one I really care about. He was the first toy Anneedabus and Daddy gave me. We've been through a lot together.

I'm not supposed to know they have replaced Sheep with a new one several times. It's cute the way they swap out the old for the new--like I'm blind and have no sense of smell. Here I am with a brand new Sheep.

Toodles has it in for Sheep. When she gets hold of him, she runs off and tries to rip out all his stuffing. Trust me, it's not pretty. She makes strange little noises as bits of stuffing fly around her head. It's like she's crazy or possessed by evil spirits.

Don't believe me? Here's a recent picture of the Sheep shown above. See what I mean?

Yeah we all know she's teeny tiny and all adorable and everything. You may not know she has more than a little bit of a temper. Daddy thinks it's cute, but me and Anneedabus know better.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Daddy Runs Away from Home

You haven't heard from me because I've been too upset to visit with you. Daddy disappeared. I've been just beside myself with worry.

The day Daddy left started just like any other. Yeah, he made a few extra trips to the car with stuff. But he's done that before. I didn't give it another thought.

Right before he left we played Million Kisses--the very first game he taught me. We still play Million Kisses before we go to sleep at night or when we lay down together for a nap. We never play Million Kisses before I kennel up so I should have known something was up.

When Daddy didn't come home for food I knew something was wrong. Daddy is always here for food. Always. I checked all his usual spots hundreds of times to see if maybe he'd slipped in without me noticing. Nope. Daddy was gone.

I slept without Daddy for the first time in my life. Or tried. I tossed and turned so much Anneedabus put me in my kennel. I was too upset to care.

Days passed and still no Daddy. Tico and Anneedabus tried to cheer me up. They played with me and took me on walks with them. It helped, as did the beautiful weather we've had ever since he left.

I was trying to enjoy the sun while Tico and Anneedabus played fetch in our dog park when I heard the garage door go up. I ran around to the gate just in time to see Daddy's car pull into the driveway. I've never been so excited in my whole life!

Then I heard him calling TooToo!! I ran to him as fast as I could. He swept me up in his arms and we played the best game of Million Kisses ever! I didn't even care when Daddy picked Tico up so he could play, too.

But I'm the one he carried around with him for the rest of the day. And he's the one I'm not letting out of my sight ever again. I'm so glad he didn't run away.


Sunday, February 28, 2010

Our Typical Week

People say seven days make a week.  Honestly it's not that complicated. They must be confusing dog years with days of the week.  Everybody knows a week only has two days:  Kennel-Up-Day and The-Weekend. 

We all get up get up early on Kennel-Up-Day because Anneedabus and Daddy have to go to work.  Daddy sucks down a pot of coffee while he reads the newspaper, reviews our blog statistics, cusses at the TV news, and checks Facebook and his e-mail accounts.  I used to sit in his lap and watch but now I enjoy some quality time with Anneedabus before he goes to work.  He gets lonely since Tico always sleeps in.

The morning flies by.  Before you know it me and Tico have to kennel up.  I don't mind.  Daddy usually gives us good treats.  Besides, he's only gone for 15 minutes.  I've never timed him but I know he wouldn't lie.  

I sleep like a baby in my kennel.  Sleeping with Daddy is great but all his tossing and turning and getting up and down makes it hard to get much sleep.  I'm not complaining, just saying I have reason to appreciate a nice nap.  

Tico and I agree, The-Weekend is the best day of the week.  For starters we usually sleep late.  A few times we didn't get up until after the sun came up!

Anneedabus makes breakfast on The-Weekend.  Sometimes he makes scrambled eggs for me and Tico.  Scrambled eggs are my favorite people food but I also like cheese, green beans, peas, carrots and sweet potato french fries.  Just don't give me any blueberries.  Blech!

After breakfast we play with Anneedabus and Daddy.  When we're not playing, we take naps or long walks.  Today I helped Daddy pull weeds.  Daddy doesn't need to know I merely pretended to pull weeds while I kept an eye out for trouble.  You can't be too careful.  I don't know what I'd do if anything ever happened to him--especially on my watch.

All that hard work has made me sleepy.  I think I'll take a nap.  Just a quick more than 15 minutes.


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tico the Fetch Fanatic

Hi everybody. It's me, Tico. You would hear from me a lot more often if Toodles would quit changing the password.

She would never change the password just to keep me from posting. She's following security protocols to keep the Chinese from hacking our blog and stealing our identities. You can't be too careful these days. I'm glad she's looking out for us.

Since my last posting we've had some crazy weather. Other than heat and humidity, we've had it all. It rained so much our private dog park flooded and we couldn't play fetch.

Fetch is my favorite game. No matter how far Anneedabus throws the ball, I bring it back. Every time. I'm always ready for a good game of fetch.

It's a complicated game. Toodles doesn't really get it. She runs along behind me to see exactly how I do it. Until I know she's ready, I'm not letting her touch the ball. Anneedabus counts on me to bring it back and I'm not going to let him down.

After all the rain we had snow. Toodles hates it. She doesn't know what she's missing! Playing fetch in the snow with Anneedabus is probably the most fun I've ever had.

Since she's grown up, Toodles is a bit more bearable. She still wants to play every waking moment of every day. Most of the time I don't mind, but every now and then I need a break. Fortunately there are three of us to take turns playing with her.

Looks like it's my turn. Come see us. I'll show you how to play fetch!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Have You Seen Daddy?

Hard to believe I was wading through snow up to my belly a bit more than a week ago. OK, I never actually set foot in the snow. But if I did, it would have been up to my neck. Geez, whatever happened to literary license?

Warmer weather means me and Tico get to spend more time outside. We go for long walks more often and spend more time hanging out in our private dog park. After being cooped up inside all winter it's nice just to get out in the fresh air. Here's a picture of us romping and gallivanting. It's what we literary dogs do.

Daddy likes to work in the garden when it's nice outside. He's pretty good with plants. Tico and I decided to let him landscape our dog park. We love his work but I wouldn't recommend him. He's slow, and we've yet to get a full day of work out of him. Time is money you know.

I help Daddy in the garden. Tico has to stay in the private dog park because Daddy doesn't care for him. Here's a picture of Tico watching me and Daddy pull weeds. You can't really tell but Tico is in the dog park and I'm not.

I don't know why he did it, but today Daddy worked in the garden without me. I know--it was a huge shock to me, too. He probably just left the gate unlatched. If I push I'm sure it will open.

He probably thought he left the gate open and forgot. I'm sure that's it. I'll just wait here until he realizes what he's done. It won't be long.

I'm sure he'll be along any minute. If you see him, tell him I'm looking for him. Thanks!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Surviving in the Suburbs

I know. You're worried sick because you haven't heard from me for so long. No doubt you fear the worst. Surely something horrible must have happened to keep me so long away from you, my friends and adoring fans.

Nope. I'm fine. You can still send cards, flowers, or treats because I like getting them. But they won't make me any better. You've seen me. Chihuahua just doesn't get any better than this.

You haven't heard from me because we haven't had any adventures. Nope. Not a single one. No car rides to the doctor, to the office with Daddy, or to the pet store. We haven't even gone to any drive-through windows.

Weather permitting, we do go for walks most days. At least it gets us out of the house. I can't even remember the last time we were attacked by a wild animal. We haven't run into any rude dogs or overly curious cats since I was a puppy.

Nothing ever happens around here. I don't think an adventuress such as myself was meant to live in the burbs. When was the last time you saw Lara Croft, Indiana Jones or James Bond running through your subdivision?

Just as I thought. Never. What's a girl to do? If I was a drama queen, I'd have to stir some stuff up around here. Maybe then I'd have something to tell you!


Friday, February 12, 2010

sNOw Thanks

Daddy took me and Tico outside to play today. At first I didn't notice anything unusual. Then it hit me. Snow.

I've heard people talk about snow. Honestly I had no idea what they were talking about. To tell you the truth I never really gave it much thought.

Tico didn't seem to mind. He never does. He's one of those calm, submissive dogs you see on the Dog Whisperer. Not me. I'm more likely to show up on It's Me or the Dog where personality still counts for something. Poke me with two fingers and see what happens. This girl works for treats.

My ancestors migrated from Mexico to Georgia generations ago. Digging for peanuts is in my blood. Heat doesn't bother me a bit. But I am not a fan of cold weather and hate everything about snow. I'm just not into cold, wet stuff that sticks to you. Sorry. If I have to just stay inside until spring, I will.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Our Busy Week

I can't believe it's almost the weekend again. I've been busier than a ground hog. This week just flew by.

Jesse came to visit Monday. Ennis didn't get to come because he's too big for car rides. I love Jesse and was really glad to see him. I got so excited...well...I wet myself.

Daddy had to give me a bath before I could visit. Had it been anyone else I would have died of embarrassment. Fortunately, I've known Jesse my whole life. If anything happens to Daddy and Anneedabus, me and Tico get to live with him.

Tuesday I went to the Collegiate 4-H meeting with Daddy. He's working with them on a big project for the next year. Daddy wanted to meet them and thought they would like him more if he brought me along.

Daddy stood up and talked during the meeting. I really thought the situation called for something more interactive. But no matter how much I wiggled and squirmed Daddy wouldn't put me down. Fortunately he only talked for a few minutes. I don't know what they think about him, but they loved me.

Yesterday I went to the doctor. He acts like he's my friend and then stabs me in the back. This time all he did was poke something in my ear and squirt stuff in my nose.

I did get some bad news. I'm up to 4.7 pounds. I carry the weight well so I'm not going to panic. Besides, collar and tags contribute to that total. The doctor did have good news. He said I was in perfect health--my pancreas is fine.

Today the excitement came to us. We were walking around the yard with Daddy after work. He was looking for signs of spring while me and Tico searched for gifts from cats and rabbits.

All of a sudden a wolf came rushing at us out of nowhere! Tico bristled up bigger than I've ever seen and chased the wolf out of our yard. I bristled up, too but stayed back to protect Daddy, just in case the wolf got the better of Tico.

I patrolled the perimeter with Tico to make sure the wolf didn't come back. A man looking for his lost dog walked by. Sure hope he finds it. Would be awful for the wolf to get it...


Sunday, January 31, 2010

Duties and Responsibilities

Next week I'll be nine months old. I'm a big girl now. Well, big really isn't in the cards for me. At 4 1/2 pounds, I'm about as big as I'm going to get.

I can't just play all day like I did as a puppy. Nope. Now I have duties and responsibilities. I need to be good and do my job all the time. It's a lot to ask from a dog--even a gifted chihuahua like me.

Duties and responsibilities keep me very busy. Tico takes care of Anneedabus and I take care of Daddy. Tico was here before me so he got to pick first. You think I got the dirty end of the stick. I would have picked Daddy anyway--I like a challenge.

Our day starts early. To stay on schedule I wake Daddy up while it's still dark out. Anneedabus usually gets up, too. Tico sleeps in for another hour or two every morning. And he says I'm spoiled...

Not me. I have to tend to Daddy. Once I get him settled on the couch in front of the television with his paper and coffee he's good until Tico gets up. Even though it's really Tico's job, I play with Anneedabus for a little while, too. I don't mind because he gives me treats.

After Daddy reads the paper we do our chores. We clean up the kitchen, make the bed, pick up the living room and open all the blinds. Daddy puts all our toys in the basket. I make sure none are missing then spread them around so we can play with them again.

Once chores are done it's time to get Daddy ready for work. I inspect the bathroom and stand guard while he takes a shower. I have a perfect record. Daddy hasn't been mugged, raped, robbed, or attacked by wild animals since I started looking after him.

Once Daddy goes to work I can relax and grab a bite to eat. When he gets back home the work really starts. I'll have to tell you about it later. Right now it's time for a nap. I need all the rest I can get.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

We Survive Another Project

Daddy and Anneedabus did ANOTHER project this weekend. You know what that means--another door between me and Daddy. Tico and I are starting to wonder why they ever brought us home.

Have to admit yesterday wasn't too bad. They stopped working early and took a nap with us. I like naps with Daddy. Sometimes he's grouchy to Anneedabus and Tico after he wakes up. He's never grouchy to me. I just lick his face and wag my tail a few times. Never fails to cheer him up.

Daddy and Anneedabus went back to work on the project first thing this morning and worked for hours. Unless I'm safely locked up in my crate, I'm really not happy if I can't see Daddy. I miss him so much I get anxious. You wouldn't understand--it's a chihuahua thing.

I kept going to the door. Daddy...are you there? Daddy? Please, please, please!

I could see him but he wouldn't play with me. One time he did hold me as he painted. Looks like pretty boring stuff to me. I don't care. I'll watch paint dry to have Daddy hold me. Even though I was on my best behavior, he put me down after only an hour.

Now Tico and I are waiting for them to finish the project. I hope they finish soon. Being anxious takes a lot out of me. I'm ready to curl up next to Daddy for a nice nap.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Horrible Weekend

I had the most awful weekend. Daddy and Anneedabus did another project. I hate projects. If they never do another one it will be too soon for me.

The first project was a few weeks ago. Anneedabus took the door off the bathroom and used it to block the hallway to keep me and Tico from helping. Can you believe it? I know we could have made a difference.

Being unable to help was bad enough. We couldn't see what they were doing either. All I know is projects are noisy and smelly.

Last time they took turns working on the project. This time they blocked the hall with the bedroom door and stayed behind it most the weekend. I could see Daddy on the ladder but he just ignored me no matter how much I cried. Sniff.

When Anneedabus and Daddy do projects they don't play with me and Tico or take us for walks. We're left to fend for ourselves best we can. I love Tico but he is no replacement for Daddy.

Things started looking up yesterday. When Anneedabus put the bedroom door back I knew the project was about over. Hallelujah! Let the play time begin!

But I was wrong. Anneedabus took Tico to the Doctor for his annual check-up. The Doctor took blood and shot stuff up his nose. Then Tico got not one, not two, not three, but FOUR shots. He doesn't feel like playing and has been laying around ever since he got home.

I'll just lay here by my toys and wait. Somebody will play with day. Sigh.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Our Lucky Day

Daddy cracks me up. No matter the season he doesn't like to get too hot or too cold. This time of year he dresses in layers he can take off when he's hot or put back on if he's cold.

The colder it gets the more layers he wears. Last week when it was really cold I almost exploded waiting for him to dress to take me out. He put on clothes like he was about to cross the Alps on foot. I have no idea why. When we finally got outside he never left the porch.

Today it's beautiful outside. Dressed for much colder weather, Daddy took us for a walk. We walked for a long time, long enough to come dangerously close to running out of layers. I love Daddy and see him naked all the time. Trust me, you don't want him running out of layers.

The sweatshirt came off almost as soon as we left the house. He rolled his shirt sleeves up before we got to the end of the street and ditched the shirt after a few more blocks. Thirty minutes later he walked out of his sweatpants like Charlize Theron in that Dior ad you see on TV.

By the time I knew where we were, only a sweaty cotton t-shirt and nylon gym shorts stood between Daddy and indecent exposure charges. It was going to be close. I started walking faster.

Finally I could see the house. Then I saw sweat breaking out on Daddy's forehead. I picked up the pace and prayed none of the neighbors were home.

This time we were lucky. We made it home with the last layer still in place. I hope our luck holds out for the rest of the winter. You should, too.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

No Fan of Cold Weather

You couldn't ask for a prettier day. The sun is shining and I can tell from the sound of the wind chimes a nice breeze is blowing. Looks like a perfect day for a rousing game of outdoor Chase Me with Tico.

I'm here to tell you looks can be deceiving! From the comfort of my sun puddle it's easy to forget how cold it is outside. I know because I do it all the time. Let me tell you something...I am NOT a fan of cold.

I've learned to expect cold when it's dark out. As soon as Daddy opens the door I sprint for the grass. I take two steps off the concrete, squat, pee, spin, dump and run back to the door. It's that simple. We're back inside in three minutes or less.

Squatting in cold, wet grass is bad enough. Try squatting in tundra with gale force arctic winds blowing up your butt. Frankly, it's a lot to ask for just a "good girl" and a pat on the head from Daddy. If it wasn't for Santa Claus I wouldn't even try.

Cold weather isn't all bad. With the leaves gone from most the big trees around the house, my favorite sun puddle is bigger than ever. Come to think of it, today is the perfect day for a little nap in the sun.

Sweet Dreams!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Living with Toodles

Hi everyone. We're all ok. The wild dog that attacked us was just a big puppy who wanted to play. Toodles reacted like he was a rabid wolf hell-bent on eating her alive and swelled up like an angry cat. Cracked me up. Hope you had a merry Christmas, a fun New Year's Eve, and a relaxing week in between. Toodles and I have really enjoyed the holiday break. Anneedabus and Daddy stayed home to play with us for two weeks. It was exactly what we wanted--the best gift ever!

Anneedabus is my best friend in the world. Except for a quick trip to South Carolina to visit his family and a night in Atlanta with his sister for a Lady Gaga concert he's been home the entire time. It's been great!!! We've played games, walked all over Athens, taken long naps and gone for car rides. I wish he could be home all the time.

I love Daddy, too. He takes care of me when Anneedabus isn't home. We were a lot closer before Toodles came along. I understand. Toodles keeps him pretty busy. She is more than a little high maintenance. Daddy can't handle her by himself--Anneedabus has to help. Daddy says it's a good thing I'm such a good boy. I guess that's one way of looking at it. The other would be to just accept that Toodles is a brat and send her to Reform school.

Toodles is a full grown dog with a bit of a mean streak. She walks all over Daddy and Anneedabus. They let her get by with murder because she's so tiny and cute. She looks and acts like a puppy when she's really just a bad girl--like the girl in that Orphan movie. She knows exactly what she's doing. She chewed up one piece from the exact middle of the puzzle Anneedabus and Daddy worked on all week. Honest! You can't make this stuff up.

She'll go sketchy on you at the drop of a hat. Daddy says it's her pancreas. She sticks her tail between her legs and scampers to Daddy. She'll sit in his lap for the next hour or two or six, shivering every now and then--for attention if you ask me. Pancreas my butt.

She knows better than to mess with me. Took her a while to catch on. She's a slow learner--even slower than Daddy. I still have to remind her that other than her squirrel, all the toys and chew sticks are mine.

You're probably thinking I need to practice sharing. Nope. Tried that. You know the sheep Toodles got me for Christmas to replace the one she destroyed? She's already ripped it apart. Same with both the toys Buggs gave us for Christmas. She also chewed up two rugs and a sofa cushion and ripped holes in several towels, throws, and blankets. I hate to think of the damage Toodles could do if she was ever left alone for more than five minutes. Like I said, she's high maintenance.

Even so, I love her. When her pancreas isn't bothering her and she's not tearing stuff up or clinging to her Daddy and she's not too tired, Toodles is a lot of fun. When she's in the mood to play she is up for anything. She runs almost as fast as I do and takes my open field tackles like a wide receiver in the NFL. We have a great time wrestling, chasing each other, and playing tug of war or keep away. Life would be pretty boring without her.

Sooner or later, Toodles will get into something a good dog would leave alone. It's her nature--who she is. When she goes too far I find Daddy and sit at his feet until she gets caught. Now I don't get blamed for the damage. You do what you have to do.