Friday, September 25, 2009

A Colossal Disaster!

We stopped at the Dog Park on our walk yesterday. It was a colossal disaster. Last time we watched the big dogs play from the Very Important Pup section. Or so I thought. Turns out, it's not a VIP section after all.

We ran into a pack of giant wolves coming out as we were going in. They were huge! Any one of them could have swallowed me whole. Anneedabus carried me so the wolves couldn't step on me or eat me.

Unlike last time, there were other dogs in the VIP section. They even allow mutts to come in! OMG! I was horrified.

A pit bull puppy came over to mug me--or worse. I screamed and ran to Daddy. He wanted to pick me up but Anneedabus wouldn't let him.

I tried to sit between Daddy's feet, but he walked away every time. I was on my own. I wanted to scream but I didn't. It was time to be a big girl. I put my tail between my legs, tried not to move and hoped the other dogs would not see me and leave me alone.

Just as I was thinking things couldn't get any worse, I see Daddy playing with strange dogs. He's even playing with the pitbull that tried to rape me! O! M! G!

Then I saw him. Move over, Ennis. There's a new man in town! I don't know what his name is but he is one hot little chihuahua. Daddy said we are the same age and that he looks just like the Taco Bell dog. All I know is he has dreamy eyes, tiny little paws, short hair and get this...he's even smaller than me!

I hope he'll be there when we go to the Dog Park again. Maybe next time he'll notice me and come over to play with me. I might even let him sniff me a little before I run away. Perhaps he'll even catch me.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Playing with Anneedabus

It finally stopped raining. The sun came out yesterday, but the grass was still wet. I HATE walking through wet grass, especially when it's over my head. Daddy made the grass short today with his big noisy toy to make up for dropping me on my head this morning. He found out that unlike cats, we dogs don't always land on our feet. I'm fine, and it was just the excuse I needed to make Daddy hold me all day.

Anneedabus took me and Tico out to play in the big yard because Daddy was surly. He gets surly whenever he has to do any work. We've all learned to clear out when Daddy is surly.

It was fun being outside. We ran and ran and ran. I love Tico but he is not very bright. Annedabus would throw the ball far away and Tico kept bringing it back to him. If he wanted the ball he wouldn't have thrown it away like that. Silly Tico. Every time Anneedabus threw it Tico brought it right back.

A couple of times I tried to tell Tico to leave the ball where Anneedabus threw it, but he wouldn't listen. He's too fast for me to catch him, but I tried. I'm getting faster every day. Tico is already old. He'll be one year old in a few days and then I'll be able to catch him.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away!

Daddy is mad at me. It is NOT my fault that it won't quit raining. Does he expect me to get my feet wet?

It's been raining for days. When it rains we just stay inside all the time. Tico and I are both starting to get a little stir crazy.

I hope Daddy doesn't stay mad at me. I try to do my business in out of the way places... What do I get in return? Bad girl.

Please make it stop raining!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


If I hear another word about bulldogs I think I'll scream. For the last two weeks it's been bulldog this and bulldog that. I really don't see what all the fuss is about.

For starters, if it's not about me, I'm really not interested. Daddy said some bulldog name Uga VII would be a good boyfriend for me. I guess he's forgotten about Ennis. I've loved him since I was a baby.

Today I finally got to see this Uga Daddy has been talking about.

What an ugly brute! He's got short hair, a smashed up wrinkly face, stubby ears, and is overweight. He probably smokes cigars, too. Blech! I can't believe Daddy would ever think I'd be interested in a dog that ugly. You can keep your bulldog.

Daddy said Uga VII is famous. I say he better look out. If all his fans could see how cute I am, he'd be out of a job. Then we'd have the Chihuahua Nation! Arf!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Little Night Life...

Bed time is my favorite part of the day. I can always tell when it's getting close to bed time. One of the daddies fills the time-to-wake-up noisemaker with water and gravel. Then they make it dark, rattle all the doors, and head for the water room.

Daddy stands in front of the mirror in the water room for a really long time. He plays with water, string, brushes, tubes, and bottles. I make him pick me up. I have to yelp to get him to do it most of the time but he's learning. I don't know how he expects me to see what's going on from all the way down on the floor. I can see MUCH better when he's holding me. For example, I've noticed he plays with his toys in the same order every night. Once he spits, it's time for bed.

Daddy sleeps on his side. After he gets settled in, I kiss him all over his face to thank him again for saving me from fleas, multiple pregnancies, and having to answer to Little Gizmo. He gives me my very own private chew stick for a few minutes of chew time before we go to sleep. It's the only chew stick I've ever had that Tico didn't take away from me.

I wake Daddy up so he can take me outside to do my business. Sometimes Tico comes with us but usually it's just us. It's really dark and scary out, so I do what I have to do as fast as I can and run back to Daddy.

When we get back inside, I run to the water room to wait for Daddy to come in and sit down. Sometimes he stays for a long time. I make him pick me up so I can go back to sleep. Sometimes I wake up when we get back in the bed, sometimes I don't.

The other night I heard an explosion. It was so loud it made me jump. I barked, and then kept growling for a few minutes to make sure everything was ok. Sometimes I hear animals outside. I always bark. I figured out Daddy doesn't really hear so well. He's slow too. I have to let him catch me when we play chase me. That's OK. I love him anyway.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day

Hope y'all can find a sunpuddle to lay in and enjoy your day! -Tico

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Toodles Finds a Rabbit

Daddy took me with him for a walk around the yard today. Tico didn't get to go. He had to stay in the dog park. That's a picture of Tico wishing he could come with us. You can see that Daddy has blocked the gate so I can't get out by myself.

We walked around looking at Daddy's flowers. All of a sudden I smelled whatever it is that leaves treats for me and Tico all over the yard. I really wanted to find out what was behind all the little treats.

I looked all around but couldn't see anything. I could smell something...just on the other side of those flowers. I knew I was close.

I poked through the flowers and there it was! Daddy said it was a rabbit. But it ran away before I could say hello. I just wanted to thank him for leaving us all those treats. Maybe next time.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Freedom My Tail!

Today I found a treat that the big cat left for me in a hole under a bush in the yard outside the fence. It was really good! Daddy saw me eating it. He wanted some, too, but before he could get it I grabbed it and took off running.

I ran and ran and ran. The treat fell out of my mouth and broke apart. I picked up the biggest piece and ran some more. Tico was chowing down on the rest when Daddy caught him. Daddy picked him up and yelled at him that he was a bad dog. I just kept running.

Daddy chased me yelling Dropit! That means run faster, so I did. Daddy finally caught me at the front door with my treat. He wanted some so bad that he picked me up and tried to take it out of my mouth! But I swallowed it before he could get any. He was so mad he called me a bad girl.

Daddy took my collar off and got me soaking wet! Then he rubbed this smelly stuff all over me and sprayed me with the hose. While Daddy was rubbing me with a big fluffy towel, Anneedabus did the same thing to Tico.

When he's wet, Tico looks and smells completely different! I didn't recognize him. He looked like some crazy monster that was going to eat me so I ran away. Then I finally recognized him and we chased each other all over the house.

Daddy let me go outside all by myself. I was exploring our private dog park when I smelled cat treat! It was just on the other side of the gate. I tried really hard and finally squeezed through the space between the gate and the fence. Freedom! I got to eat all the treat and didn't have to share it with Tico.

After I ate the treat I went exploring. I know my way around because Daddy takes me walking around the yard with him all the time. But he's always in a hurry and never lets me sniff around as much as I want. It was nice to have time to thoroughly check things out.

I heard Daddy calling me but couldn't tell where he was. He kept hollering my name louder and louder and louder. I could tell he was really scared so I went back to the gate to see if I could get back in. That's when Anneedabus found me. Daddy has been holding me ever since. That man is just crazy about me!