Thursday, September 3, 2009

Freedom My Tail!

Today I found a treat that the big cat left for me in a hole under a bush in the yard outside the fence. It was really good! Daddy saw me eating it. He wanted some, too, but before he could get it I grabbed it and took off running.

I ran and ran and ran. The treat fell out of my mouth and broke apart. I picked up the biggest piece and ran some more. Tico was chowing down on the rest when Daddy caught him. Daddy picked him up and yelled at him that he was a bad dog. I just kept running.

Daddy chased me yelling Dropit! That means run faster, so I did. Daddy finally caught me at the front door with my treat. He wanted some so bad that he picked me up and tried to take it out of my mouth! But I swallowed it before he could get any. He was so mad he called me a bad girl.

Daddy took my collar off and got me soaking wet! Then he rubbed this smelly stuff all over me and sprayed me with the hose. While Daddy was rubbing me with a big fluffy towel, Anneedabus did the same thing to Tico.

When he's wet, Tico looks and smells completely different! I didn't recognize him. He looked like some crazy monster that was going to eat me so I ran away. Then I finally recognized him and we chased each other all over the house.

Daddy let me go outside all by myself. I was exploring our private dog park when I smelled cat treat! It was just on the other side of the gate. I tried really hard and finally squeezed through the space between the gate and the fence. Freedom! I got to eat all the treat and didn't have to share it with Tico.

After I ate the treat I went exploring. I know my way around because Daddy takes me walking around the yard with him all the time. But he's always in a hurry and never lets me sniff around as much as I want. It was nice to have time to thoroughly check things out.

I heard Daddy calling me but couldn't tell where he was. He kept hollering my name louder and louder and louder. I could tell he was really scared so I went back to the gate to see if I could get back in. That's when Anneedabus found me. Daddy has been holding me ever since. That man is just crazy about me!

1 comment:

  1. You will have a great book by the time you are finished.
