Sunday, November 15, 2009

Toodles Debunks Global Warming

Things are starting to return to normal around here. Daddy is going to the office enough for me and Tico to finally catch up on all the sleep we missed the six weeks he worked from home. I'll never understand why people need to stay awake so much. I need my beauty rest. A day or two without 20 hours of sleep and I start to feel ugly.

Finally stopped raining and dried off enough for us to play outside. It rained so much the leaves fell off the trees. With most the leaves on the ground now it's a lot sunnier in our dog park. It's also easier to keep an eye on the squirrels.

More sun doesn't mean it's any warmer. Some mornings it's downright cold! Nothing wakes you up quite like squatting in icy wet grass first thing in the morning. I'm serious. If you don't believe me try it yourself.

Having been to college and experienced weather my whole life, I can say beyond any doubt that global warming is a hoax. It's not getting warmer. It's getting colder. It's not nearly as hot as it was when I was growing up. Shoot. I remember concrete hot enough to scorch your paws.

The days are shorter now, too. Tico, Daddy and Anneedabus don't seem too worried about it. Maybe they just haven't noticed. What do they know...they don't see the monsters, either. Good thing they have me looking out for them.


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