Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Toodles Goes to College

Today has been a great day!  We got to sleep with Daddy last night.  No matter what I did, he wouldn't get up and play with me until almost 5:30!  Doesn't he know the early chihuahua gets the best kibble?

After we came in from doing our business, Tico and I played Keep Away.  Tico sneaks up on me, takes my squirrelly and runs all over the house.  Anneedabus got a new squirrelly for me because I ripped the head off my old one.  It was fun!  I'll do the same thing to Tico's sheep if I ever get a chance.

Then Daddy put us in our crates and went to work.  Fifteen minutes later, he was home again.  We went outside for a walk around the yard.  Our friends Callie and Noori were out, so we stopped to say hello.  Callie is a homely thing--maybe I could fix her up with Uga.  Tico has had a crush on Noori since he was a pup.  The way Noori was acting I'd say the feeling is mutual.  They'd make pretty babies, too.  And who wouldn't want a long-hair labrihuahua retriever?

After we came inside, Tico had to kennel up but I got to go ON A CAR RIDE!!!  We went to Daddy's new office.  I was a very good girl because Daddy said they would make him take me to the dog pound if I peed on the new carpet.  It was fun visiting with all my friends.  They've known me since I was a baby. 

I thought we were leaving but we walked around the University of Georgia.  Going to college is fun!  I'd have to join a sorority.  They would all want me, but Alpha Gamma Delta is the one for me.  They have the prettiest, smartest, most fashionable and overall coolest girls on campus.  Is that me or what?

I can see myself really enjoying college life, especially since the operation.  More than a handful of really cute boys smiled at me.  A few even winked!  I'd want a big, strong boyfriend. Campus is a little scary.  Noisy buses fly by just a few feet away.  Men with big noisy blowing machines are everywhere.  One got so close if Daddy hadn't picked me up I would  have blown away with the leaves.

Then we went in a really big building.  You won't believe who was there...Anneedabus!  I was so surprised I almost didn't recognize him.  He introduced me to his friends Nicki and Kassie.  They're both really nice and love everything about me.  We never go to his office because they run the vacuum cleaner all the time.

After a quick visit with Jill, Amy and my new friend Ginny, we walked back down to Daddy's office.  All the girls wanted to talk to me but we didn't have time to stop.  I have so many fans.  Unless we've notified crowd control we don't stop because things can get out of hand pretty fast. 

College is fun.  I hope I get to go again soon.  Now it's time for a nap...  Chi-ao!

1 comment:

  1. Daddy Michael, these just keep getting better and better, might be time to stop thinking about your day job??? I am ROFLOL with every new installment!
