Friday, October 23, 2009

Toodles Gets a Job

When I grow up I have to get a job.  Cesar and Victoria told Daddy even little dogs like me and Tico need jobs.  The clock is ticking.  I'm already almost six months old.

Daddy and Anneedabus watch television all the time.  Most the stuff they watch puts me to sleep.  But every now and then something they watch catches my attention.  I LOVE Cesar and Victoria.  What they do with people to make dogs happy is just amazing!  If they say I need a job, who am I to argue?

So about a month ago I started exploring careers.  My resume leaves a lot to be desired.  Sure I can sit, stay and go to the bathroom outside.  But with no work experience, no training, and no papers it's not like I have a lot of options.

Traditional jobs are out.  Seeing eye dog?  Police dog?  Junkyard dog?  Puh-leeze!  Nor do I see myself herding sheep, retrieving dead birds,  flushing rabbits, chasing foxes or running into little holes after anything.  Face it.  I'm just not that kind of girl. 

Celebrity?  Mascot gigs pay well, but are hard to get.  Circus act?  I don't do tricks, period.  Hollywood?  Forget it.  You see more good roles for gays than dogs these days.

What is my gift, and how can I turn it into a career?  A gift is something that others find hard to do that comes easy for you.  And then it hit me.  Nobody could be with Daddy as much as me.  Even when he's surly, stinky from working in the yard, or in the shower there's no place I'd rather be than in his lap or by his side.  It's easy, too.   

It's my job to take care of Daddy. Yeah I know, it doesn't pay very well.  I'll probably never have my own lake like Ennis, or a palace like Socia, 99 & Max. But I know it's what I'm supposed to do.  I am, however, open to becoming famous so go ahead and tell all your friends about me.



  1. It's a big job, but someone has to do it! Good for you, Toodles.

  2. Toodles,
    Darling little one~~~You ARE a Star! You light up our lives with tales of adventure & thrills! Seeing the world through your eyes brings newness and a fresh slant on the simple things. Please know you help us to 'Stay in Gratitude' for the daily blessings we all enjoy.
    Cousin Jeanie (who has Bunnies who'd like to sniff you)
